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夢中女孩 SACD

建議售價 650元 特價 650元
夢中女孩 Fone Jazz Makers - Girl of My Dreams

夢中女孩 SACD介紹

夢中女孩 SACD

This disc was a bit of a surprise, coming with the latest batch of classical SACDs from the audiophile-oriented Italian classical label Fone. It features a trad jazz quintet of three horns, Sousaphone and banjo. And the band was formed originally to play during an Italian audio show. Their recording was made in 2000 using a Nagra 4S analog recorder and the original tapes were transferred directly to DSD for the SACD layer. At the same time a Nakamichi 1000 digital recorder was used and its original tapes provided the CD layer of this disc. They performed in a theater with good acoustics and like most such ensembles sort of made up their numbers on the spot. The band is good, though not quite as tight as some of the trad bands on the Opus 3 label from Sweden, though the thought of the superb recording quality reminded me of those efforts from further north. There are some vocals, and the Italian accents give an interesting slant to the performances.

01. Darktown Strutters’ Ball (S. Brooks)
02. Big Bad Bully (trad.)
03. Nobody Knows the Way I Feel This Morning (T. Delaney)
04. Boodie-Oolie (V. Castelli - G. Marson)
05. Glory of Love (B. Hill)
06. Shake That Thing (C. Jackson)
07. Girl of My Dreams (S. Clapp)
08. Rosetta (E. Hines - H. Woode)
09. Wabash Blues (F. Meinken - D. Ringle)
10. Alexander’s Ragtime Band (I. Berlin)
11. Sister Kate (A. J. Piron)
12. Weary Blues (A. Matthews)
13. Someday Sweetheart (Spikes bros.)
14. Canal Street Blues (J. Oliver)
15. Mama Don’t ’Low (trad.)
片名夢中女孩 SACD
類型 爵士音樂