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菲力多 - 歌劇《湯姆.瓊斯》 DVD

建議售價 807元 特價 807元
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菲力多 - 歌劇《湯姆.瓊斯》 DVD

Tom Jones - Sebastien Droy
Sophie - Sophie Marin-Degor
Monsieur Western - Marc Barrard
Madame Western - Sibyl Zanganelli
Honora - Carine Sechehaye
Blifil - Rodolphe Briand
Allworthy - Leonard Pezzino
Dowling - Pierre Arbel
L’Aubergiste - Ana Tordera
Powerfist - Dominique Bonnetain

Of Scottish origin, the Danican family (Philidor being a nickname) produced, in almost two centuries, a dozen musicians - instrumentalists and composers - the best known of them almost certainly being Francois-Andre Danican Philidor, born in Dreux on 7th September 1726 and died in London on 31st August 1795. Tom Jones is universally considered one of Philidor’s best operas and one of the most perfect examples of a music genre that was quite popular in 18th-century France, the Opera-comique. The libretto is derived from Henry Fielding’s The History of Tom Jones, a foundling, while the music, with its succession of dialogues, airs, ariettes, and ensembles is truly delightful, embodying the elegant and caustic spirit of the Age of Enlightenment.
On the podium of this Tom Jones, staged at Lausanne’s Opera in the summer of 2005, is one of the greatest specialists of French 17th-18th- century music, Jean-Claude Malgoire, who thus continues his collaboration with Dynamic, which already counts several prestigious titles both on CD and DVD.
影片類型: 歌劇