ChemOffice 可以說是化學家和生物學家所需要最終極的化學結構繪圖工具。允許科學家高效率地跟蹤他們的工作,獲得對資料的更加深刻的理解,並關聯生物活動以化學結構,能更加專業地和高效率地提出相關科學報告。
ChemOffice Professional combines ChemDraw Professional, Chem3D, ChemFinder, ChemScript, GAMESS, Chem3D interfaces to Gaussian, GAMESS, MOPAC, Autodock and Conflex, ChemBioViz, ChemDraw/Excel, and CombiChem/Excel, ChemDraw and Chem3D ActiveX Pro Plugins and Controls in the world’s premier desktop suite designed for chemists and biologists. Site Subscription customers are also entitled to ChemDraw Direct, a new JavaScript version of ChemDraw, and CDSL Mobile, an enterprise-wide deployable version of ChemDraw for iPd®.
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