尺碼(cm) | A.衣長 | B.單肩寬 | C.胸寬 | D.袖長 | E.手臂寬 | F.袖口寬 | G.下擺寬 |
F | 107 | 無肩線設計 Strapless line design | 61 | 70 | 27 | 15 | 85 |
產地 | Made in China | ||||||
成分 | 100% 聚酯纖維 | ||||||
其它 | 無內裡 |
保養洗滌 | ‧ 任何衣物都建議深淺色分開洗滌。 ‧ 首次洗滌時深色布料易釋於出多餘固色劑,屬於正常現象。 ‧ 保持衣物色澤鮮艷避免色澤移染,勿長時間浸泡。 ‧ 使用洗衣機洗滌時,請以低速短程洗滌。 ‧ 洗衣機脫水後請立即晾衣,勿放置過久以防移染。 | Washing Instruction | ‧ Excessive dyes run off during first washing is a normal phenomenon. ‧ Do not soak in a long time to prevent colors from fading. ‧ While washing with refrigerator, please wash in short range. ‧ Dry the clothes after spinning to avoid dying. |
穿著人員 Try-on Person | 身高 / 體重 Height / Weight | 肩寬 Shoulder Width | 三圍(cm) Measurements | 穿著尺寸 Clothes Size | 體型 Figure | 穿著尺寸 Size |
Cinny | 156 / 42 | 37 | 77 / 63 / 80 | F | 扁身 四肢偏細 Thin Limbs | 寬鬆 Ovesized |
Hsiu | 157 / 54 | 36 | 85 / 70 / 88 | F | 圓身 標準身材 Round Figure Standard Size | 寬鬆 Ovesized |
Callie | 162 / 49 | 36 | 77 / 67 / 92 | F | 扁身 標準身材 Thin Figure Standard Size | 寬鬆 Ovesized |
Amy | 164 / 52 | 35 | 82 / 71 / 95 | F | 扁身 腹部偏肉 Thin Figure Thick Abdomen | 寬鬆 Ovesized |
Mary | 172 / 54 | 37 | 81 / 69 / 91 | F | 扁身 瘦長型 Thin Figure Slim | 寬鬆 Ovesized |
※ 商品會因不同批製作、布料彈性、水洗處理或測量點等因素,使顏色尺寸與實際商品略有誤差,尺寸正負兩公分為正常範 圍內,不屬於瑕疵。 ※ 追加商品需等待7-20個工作天;針織、外套、牛仔類商品則需7-30個工作天,請會員們稍加留意。 ※ 試穿結果會因每人感受及身材比例穿著習慣而有所不同,身高體重不表示購買的尺寸,158身材圓身與172纖細因比例關係也有可能是拿同一尺寸,試穿報告僅供參考。 ※ 尺寸皆為單面平量 |
※ Due to different batch of production, elasticity of fabric, washing process, measurements and other factors, actual product may be vary in colors and sizes. ±2cm is within normal range, not considered as deflected item. ※ Add-on item will be delivered in 7-20 working days( knit /coat/ Denim items needs 7-30 working day ),please be aware. ※ Appearances may be varied with different people, figures and habits. Height and weight do not define the sizes you should buy. Due to different body types, sizes may be varied. Trying on report is for reference only. ※ Sizes are measured single-sided. |
尺寸 | Free |
顏色 | 白色系 |
適用性別 | 女 |
款式 | 風衣 |
袖長 | 長袖 |
版型 | 長版 |
主材質 | 人造纖維 |
材質成分說明 | 100% 聚酯纖維 |
產地 | 中國 |
適穿季節 | 秋冬 |
風格元素 | 素色 |
購買連結 | https://tw.buy.yahoo.com/gdsale/gdsale.asp?gdid=p0694193960545&co_servername=f8d78e17f7fc866fd4c0547de27c5982 |